Sunday, October 26, 2008

And now we have a rash....

Will the excitement ever end? Friday night while we were pajaming Em she had a bunch of little bumps on her....we thought they were bug bites and went on with life. Well as the weekend has gone on they've multiplied/gotten bigger and just all around ickier. Well today I called my mom to tell her we were going to take her to the dr. in the morning and set up babysitting plans and she freaked out...our two thoughts were reaction to amoxicillan or chicken pox....well she wanted me to take her to the ER immediately, I convinced her to let me call the on call service first--so we did, dr. thinks it is an amoxicillan rash, which is apparently not the same as an allergic reaction--and he said to bring her in in the morning to confirm it. So that's the plan. The interesting thing about this whole story, was my mom freak out--you see, my mom never freaked out when we were sick--we had to be dying to stay home from school--let alone go to a dr. The long running story is when Martha fell off the swing set and broke her arm, and my mom told her to take a nap and it would feel better after the nap. So to hear her freak out about a rash was just very surreal. But like Martha said--everything changed once Emily showed up.....for the better of course :)


Jennifer said...

Abby did the SAME thing. I think it was about 5 days in and when I picked her up from her babysitters she asked me if I noticed her legs. I thought she was talking about the few bruises from her walking into things. I looked and her legs were covered in pink dots. They were small pink not really raised (if so only a tiny bit). They came very fast. They weren't there in the morning and she was COVERED by the evening. Called the Dr. and he thought it was from something viral, but I found a site that said they could get a rash that's not an allergic reaction.

I just typed the exact thing, but oh well.

Oh and the rash was gone in two days.

Jennifer said...

5 days in means 5 days of amoxicillan

Chuck, Sarah and Emily said...

Our dr. believes it is an allergic reaction--I don't know the difference between the two--but said if she continued to use amoxicillan it would get worse with subsequent doses until it become a severe reaction--and since there are lots of other antibiotics he wants to ere on the side of caution....I just hope we are done with ear infections for a while--I've about had it and we're only on #2!