Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh what a week.....

actually couple of weeks--let's recap. My last post was on Sun. the 25th, thinking Em was getting better--she puked again that night, I puked that night--so we both stayed home Monday. She puked again Monday--daddy didn't feel good but fortunately never got the pukies--he took Tues. morning off, I took off the afternoon. Weds. she went back to drinking milk instead of pedialyte and did ok, Thurs as well. Thurs. night I gave her a formula bottle--back up it came. Oh--happy 1st birthday on Thursday!! Based on how the week was going we didn't celebrate much--went to get pictures Friday and did dinner out. Friday no formula, no pukies. Saturday, formula bottle=pukies. It was then decided we were officially done with formula. We had been working on milk anyway--so we went cold turkey and went fine. The pukies were gone!! Sunday she started out a little cranky at church, and got progressively worse until she was full fledged screaming during 2nd service. We called the dr. and they said to go ahead and take her to convenient care-most likely an ear infection. Definitely ear infection #4 had arrived. Sunday night feeling much better---off to the Super Bowl party and had a grand time! Things have gone much better this week! Today was her 1 year appt. 19lbs 8oz (25th percentile) and 29 1/4 in (50 percentile). We got 1 shot and will go back next week for another. We are being referred to an audiologist/ent dr. to get the hearing checked and see what our next step is as far as the ears. I am concerned that she is not getting the speech she should be and dr. agreed. So we are to call Mon. morning for a referral.


Jennifer said...

I totally understand dealing with all the sickness. I'm ready for the "cold season" to be OVER! We've been pretty lucky...Abby is only her 2nd ear infection (or is it 3rd since the 1st was both ears). Do they think Emily's hearing is bad because of the ear infections? Are they talking tubes? Good Luck!

Chuck, Sarah and Emily said...

We definitely want to get the hearing checked--I'm not sure the dr. is as concerned as I am, but he agreed to the testing so it's all good :) I suppose we will see what the hearing test is before we get into tubes, but if her hearing is being effected, then tubes will definitely be in her future. I am so glad that I have the resources I have (speech paths.) to help me navigate through this, I don't know how others would do it!